Introducing and applying the 12 steps and 12 principles of    i am recovered.



student edition provided to all new beloved children of god Introducing the 12 steps of i am recovered.

repenting and worshiping through the 12 steps of i am recovered manifesting worship in
spirit & truth.


spiritual warfare ministry utilizing the
12 steps of i am recovered.


Author: Pastor Jim Steberl

harvesting through discipleship in going, preaching, teaching, baptizing and showing agape.


divorce ministry utilizing the
12 steps of i am recovered.


Author: Pastor darrell smith

“Hello Beloved of God!”

I AM RECOVERED has been for over 2000 years. By HIS Grace alone, Lord Jesus Christ through Holy Spirit Anointing has allowed us, God’s Hand Ministries, HIS Ministry of Recociliation to Observe Love, use Wisdom in Love, Discern what is of HIM and what is not, Retrieve every Step and Principle from the Holy Bible, and document HIS Glory, HIS questions, HIS steps, HIS principles to manifest        I AM RECOVERED = AGAPE! 

Each book noted on the left is a Divine Work of AGAPE, the PERFECT love of Father God Almighty, ONLY through the PERFECT LAMB, the MESSIAH, Lord Jesus Christ, through the POWER of HIS PERFECT love within EVERY BELOVED CHILD OF GOD, HOLY SPIRIT. The objective is to EXPOSE satan and every demon in his deceptions, through the ONLY LIGHT, Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is ONLY available through the Lordship of Jesus Christ the MESSIAH sent THROUGH HIM by Our Father God, Amen.

Why is this 12 step program different? Why is it the MOST successful and MOST effective way of being DELIVERED from the deception, the strongholds of addiction, torments, hurt and pain? Because it all starts with your IDENTITY IN HIS PERFECT LOVE = AGAPE, THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT = AGAPE. THIS IS LOVE, THAT THE FATHER LOVES US. IN THIS PERFECTION, I AM RECOVERED (IAR) exposes every deception of the enemy through POWERFUL questions in worship, in every question there is a KEY in Lord Jesus Christ. Once the lock is UNLOCKED with THIS KEY, Holy Spirit Activates and Manifests the PRINCIPLE pertaining to that STEP. There are 33 lessons that ask piercing questions that allows the Beloved Child of God to go to Our Father and Identify in HIS LOVE, Affirm LIFE, Meditate ON HIM, Receive FORGIVENESS and FORGIVE YOURSELF, Exchange sins for GRACE, Christ is the FOCUS, Overflow in Holy Spirit Anointing, Value your God purchased Identity, Existence is for AGAPE Glory, REPENTANCE is key to BLESSING AGAPE, Exchange complete when you MANIFEST HIS GLORY IN YOUR EVERY BEING, spirit, soul, body, Disciple unto others AGAPE. CONGRATULATIONS, you was just introduced to all 12 STEPS of I AM RECOVERED ONLY by the Grace of Father God Almighty, ALL GLORY TO LORD JESUS CHRIST, Amen! PRAISE GOD!