Step 1 – I AM. (page:65)
It all starts with,
“Who do you say, I AM?”
When Lord Jesus Christ asked this of Peter, Peter declared the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
God was, is and will ALWAYS BE BLESSED when we know, who I AM.
” I AM that I AM.”
WITHOUT Christ, there is NO recovery.
Have you ever seen a dog chase it’s own tail? That is what it’s like without having Lord Jesus Christ in your heart. The NEVER ending insanity of chasing your own ambitions, sobriety, happiness, whatever carrot the enemy puts in front of you, the devil is hoping that you will exhaust yourself in chasing after your own desires. Say it with me,
NO one can unlock themselves.
This is the prison many of us was in BEFORE we confessed the Lordship of Jesus Christ. A prison in our own mind and a sick heart filled with lies and deception from the enemy. There is NO medicine, NO program, NO therapist or counceling, ONLY Lord Jesus Christ is the KEY to UNLOCKING who I AM, Say it with me, ” I AM RECOVERED THROUGH THE BLOOD OF MY LORD JESUS CHRIST!”
Have you ever spoke death upon yourself? “i am ugly, i am sick, i am never going to get better, i am a loser, i am __________________.” All of us have at one point in our lives, little did we know we were speaking death but even worser, blaspheming Lord Jesus Christ for HE IS I AM. Praise God, NO MORE! Say this with me,
“Jesus Christ IS LORD! , I AM YOURS!”
Jesus Christ IS LORD and HE WILL DO IT.
Now that the GREAT I AM lives in your heart, the power of HIS resurrection, Holy Spirit is in your very NEXT ETERNAL BREATH, Breathe HIM IN, say it with me,
All Glory to Father’s LOVE, Lord Jesus Christ saved your eternal soul and now through HIS HOLY SPIRIT, Father God has made HIS HOME, IN YOU. HE WILL DO IT, JUST WORSHIP AGAPE,
“Hello, Beloved of God!”